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‘Happy To Bat Wherever The Team Wants Me To’ – Rohit Sharma Ahead Of First Overseas Test As An Opener

Rohit Sharma Shreyas Iyer

The Australia tour is a few days away from kickoff as Rohit Sharma has vocalised about batting anywhere the team needs him to as he prepares for his first overseas tour as a test opener. Literally, everyone will heavily be banking on Rohit Sharma to take the responsibility on his shoulders and do the majority scoring in the absence of Virat Kohli who will be on paternity leave after the first test at Adelaide.

After a fairly average test career as a middle-order batsman, Rohit was at last advanced as an opener during the home season last year.  In his absolute first Test as an opener, he back to back hundreds against South Africa. It was followed by a double century. Yet, notwithstanding the staggering accomplishment at the highest point of the batting request, Rohit is happy to be adaptable with his batting request if required.

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‘Happy To Bat Wherever The Team Wants Me To’ – Rohit Sharma 

Rohit Sharma whilst speaking to India TV opened up on how he ready to adjust in the batting order as per the team’s needs but he himself doesn’t think the team will change his role of an opener in the side wherein he’s excelled in the past home series against South Africa.

“I will tell you the same thing that I have told everyone all this while. I will be happy to bat wherever the team wants me to but I don’t know if they would change my role as an opener,” Rohit Sharma was quoted as saying by India TV.

The swashbuckling opener further added how he thinks the coaching staff might have already figured out what would be the options for the Indian team once Virat leaves and what is bound to happen. As of now, he is just waiting to land in Australia so he has a clearer idea regarding his place in the side.

“I’m sure the guys already in Australia must have figured out what are options when Virat leaves and who are the guys who will open the innings. Once I reach there, I will probably have a clearer idea of what’s going to happen. I will be okay to bat wherever they want,” he added.

Also Read: ‘A Five-star Prison’ – Indian Player Feels The Heat Of The Quarantine In Australia

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