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ICC Cricket World Cup 2023: Michael Vaughan Playfully Teases Pakistan About Requiring Resignation For Message Leak

In order to secure a spot in the Cricket World Cup semi-finals, Pakistan must emerge victorious in their two remaining matches. Michael Vaughan, the former England captain, playfully taunted Pakistan by suggesting that the team might require a bit of controversy to clinch a win.

Vaughan’s remarks occurred in the build-up to Pakistan’s crucial match against New Zealand in the World Cup. Pakistan’s prospects for reaching the tournament’s semi-finals hinge on winning both of their remaining games.

Vaughan humorously expressed concern, noting that the lead-up to the match against the Kiwis had been surprisingly peaceful, saying, “it’s been too calm this last couple of days.”

Michael Vaughan exclusively remarked on Club Prairie Fire podcast: “If you go back to the history of the World Cup, the World Cup doesn’t start until there’s controversy with Pakistan. Until someone falls-out… I don’t understand why don’t they sack everyone the day the tournament starts off. Everyone resigns… they’d win every World Cup. What are they waiting for?”

Vaughan implied that Pakistan might benefit from a situation where someone steps down or a WhatsApp message gets shared in order to outperform New Zealand.

“I worry about Pakistan tomorrow .. it’s been too calm this last couple of days… they need someone to resign today or leak a what’s app message.”

To provide some background, Pakistan’s chief selector Inzamam-ul-Haq stepped down from his role this week following Pakistan’s four consecutive losses. Inzamam’s resignation was prompted by accusations of his involvement as a shareholder in a prominent player management firm. In the wake of his resignation, Pakistan managed to secure a victory against Bangladesh, keeping their hopes alive in the tournament.

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