Bollywood actor Abhishek Bachchan has added a new team of sports by investing in the new European T20 Premier League (ETPL). This is after Bachchan has already invested in his Pro Kabaddi League team, and the current one is meant to change the face of cricket in Ireland, Scotland, and the Netherlands.
The ETPL offers the players from these nations the opportunity to play against the best from around the world at the world’s most renowned cricket venues. This, he believes, can help take the sport to the next level and improve the quality of it in the region.
Which brings Bachchan back on board with the integration into the ETPL reaffirm his intention in the promotion of sports and talent development. Its intended inception means that the game of cricket in Europe is set to achieve a drastic boost.
“I sincerely thank the ICC and the three boards”- Abhishek Bachchan
It is anticipated that Abhishek Bachchan’s participation will increase media coverage from India, the biggest cricket market in the world. Bachchan expressed his enthusiasm by saying:
“Cricket is not just a sport; it’s a unifying force that transcends boundaries. The ETPL is the ideal platform to showcase cricket’s growing global appeal. With cricket being included in the 2028 Olympics, its popularity will further surge. I’m humbled and excited about this unique collaboration between the cricket boards of Ireland, Scotland, and the Netherlands.”
“I sincerely thank the ICC and the three boards for their tireless work. I congratulate Warren, Saurav, Priyanka, Dhiraj, Andrew, and countless others who have worked over the past year to make this dream come true. This is just the beginning. It’s time to roll up our sleeves and let the games begin,” Bachchan added.
The ETPL’s first season, which will include clubs from Dublin, Belfast, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Edinburgh, and Glasgow, will run from July 15 to August 3, 2025.
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