Nitish Kumar Reddy’s father, Mutyalu Reddy, experienced a once-in-a-lifetime moment when he met cricket legend Sunil Gavaskar during Day 4 of the Boxing Day Test in Melbourne. This meeting came on the heels of Nitish’s maiden Test century, a match-turning 114 off 189 balls that kept India alive in the Border-Gavaskar Trophy. Overcome with pride and emotion, Mutyalu Reddy couldn’t hold back tears in the stands as his son reached the milestone.
When he met Gavaskar and Ravi Shastri during the lunch break the next day, he performed a traditional ‘namaskaram’ and touched Gavaskar’s feet, a gesture of deep respect. “Meeting him felt like seeing God,” Mutyalu said, reflecting on his awe and pride.
Sacrifices for a Dream
Mutyalu Reddy’s journey to this remarkable moment is one of dedication and sacrifice. He left his job and made countless compromises to support his son’s cricketing dreams. Nitish’s rise has been a testament to his family’s commitment, as the 21-year-old has shone brightly in his debut series.
With crucial performances in Perth and Adelaide, Nitish cemented his place as India’s top scorer in the Border-Gavaskar Trophy. Mutyalu, recounting his admiration for Gavaskar, shared that he clapped for every boundary the cricketing icon scored in his prime. He even said that had Nitish been present, he would have asked his son to touch Gavaskar’s feet too.
Such a heartwarming moment. Nitish Reddy's family with Gavaskar
— Out Of Context Cricket (@GemsOfCricket) December 29, 2024
Gavaskar’s Blessing
Mutyalu explained why he felt compelled to honor Gavaskar in this way. “When you meet legends, not showing respect would seem arrogant,” he remarked. Gavaskar, visibly moved, complimented Nitish’s composure and predicted more centuries in his future. For Mutyalu, hearing such words from a legend was a moment of immense pride.
The ongoing Border-Gavaskar Trophy has not only showcased Nitish’s talent but also highlighted the emotional journey of a father who sacrificed everything for his son’s success. As India fights to stay in contention, Nitish’s century has emerged as a defining moment in the series, keeping hopes alive for a thrilling finale.
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