Yograj Singh, the father of former Indian cricketer Yuvraj Singh, has once again launched a scathing attack on MS Dhoni, continuing his long-standing criticism of the former India captain. Yograj, who himself donned the Indian jersey in 7 matches during his cricketing career, has frequently accused Dhoni of being responsible for his son Yuvraj’s career decline.
In his latest tirade, Yograj claimed that Dhoni would never be forgiven for his alleged role in damaging Yuvraj’s career, a statement that has rapidly spread across social media platforms, igniting widespread debate among fans and cricket enthusiasts.
A History of Accusations Against Dhoni
This recent outburst is not an isolated incident; Yograj has a history of publicly criticizing Dhoni. Earlier this year, the 66-year-old made headlines when he blamed Dhoni for Chennai Super Kings’ (CSK) failure to clinch the IPL 2024 title, attributing their loss to what he described as Dhoni’s “bad deeds.”
According to Yograj, Dhoni’s actions off the field have directly influenced his performance and, by extension, the team’s success. Moreover, Yograj has gone as far as to accuse Dhoni of being “jealous” of Yuvraj, suggesting that this alleged jealousy may have played a role in the decisions that negatively impacted Yuvraj’s career.
Blaming MS Dhoni for CSK’s IPL 2024 Failure
Yograj said: “I won’t forgive MS Dhoni. He should look at his face in the mirror. He is a very big cricketer, but what he has done against my son, everything is coming out now; it can never be forgiven in life. I have never done two things in life – first, I have never forgiven anybody who has done wrong for me, and second, I have never hugged them in my life, be it my family members or my kids.”
“CSK lost IPL 2024. Why did they lose? It’s whatever you sow, so shall you reap. Yuvraj Singh is the ICC Ambassador, hats off to him! And this jealous Dhoni, where is he? He didn’t even shake hands with Yuvraj, and that is the reason why CSK failed this year.”
The accusations from Yograj come despite Dhoni’s retirement from international cricket in August 2020, a move that marked the end of an illustrious career spanning over 15 years. However, Dhoni has continued to remain active in the Indian Premier League (IPL), where he has led CSK to multiple titles.
As of now, the 43-year-old Dhoni is still a significant figure in the IPL, but his future with CSK is shrouded in uncertainty. There is no official word on whether Dhoni will participate in the upcoming IPL season, leaving fans and analysts speculating about the possibility of his retirement from the league as well.
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