Former KKR captain Gautam Gambhir has lauded Chennai Super Kings for having their best auction ever on Thursday in Chennai. CSK brought six players including India’s Test specialist Cheteshwar Pujara who was roped in by the franchise at his base price of 50 lakhs. They also bought Moeen Ali and Krishnappa Gowtham who are two of their most crucial buys at the auction.
Gautam Gambhir in an interaction with Star Sports said that though they initially went for Glenn Maxwell, they bought two players for the price of one which was a tactical move from the three-time IPL. champions. They went hard for Glenn Maxwell as well but backed out when the bidding process started to become heated.
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CSK Got Two At The Price Of Glenn Maxwell: Gautam Gambhir
“They initially went really hard for Glenn Maxwell, but later in that same price, they have got K Gowtham and Moeen Ali. So when you can get two players at the price of one,” Gambhir said.
He further added that this was CSK’s best auction ever and that they did not look a revamped side as well.
“Where is the revamp? Probably other teams needed to have more revamp than the CSK. It was the worst season they had, as everyone was talking about because they couldn’t qualify for the playoffs. But they go into the auction and buy 3 players, and sit happily, in what I think is the best auction they have had till now, as compared to the other side. This is how you build a side, this is how you build a legacy over a long period of time,” Gambhir told Star Sports.
After the auction, CSK have a well-rounded squad of 25 players and enough mix of youth and experience in the side as well. They also traded in Robin Uthappa from Rajasthan Royals ahead of the IPL 2021 player auction which was a smart move to find an ideal replacement for Shane Watson.
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